Tuesday 28 September 2010

Happy 1st Birthday

Hello friends, today was my 1st birthday, that's 7 years old in dog years, so I have still got some growing to do until dogult hood. Another 6 months or so of puppy hood left, then it's bye bye to cheeky behaviour, steeling socks, chewing up tissue, and general naughtiness.

So how was my birthday, well my owner went to the supermarket and forgot to buy dog food, so by coincidence I ended up with a birthday tea. Pure Mackerel fish..mmmm. Added to this my owner wasn't feeling too well, so she left most of her southern fried chicken dinner, which also found its way into my dinner bowl, so all in all a good day.

Weather was good and I had two long walks. Tomorrow I am being treated to a day out, jogging at Roslin.

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