Thursday 7 October 2010

Talents reach new heights

Hi all, I thought I would share with you my new skill.
In my house, it's a long way to the back door and lazy folk hate having to walk all that way a 100 times a day and worse stand in the freezing cold and wait for me to take my sweet time about coming back in. As any dog knows even though I have been in the garden a billion times and know every inch of it intimately, there are still things I can spend over half an hour just sniffing and investigating. So in the cold weather no one wants to leave the door open so that I can go out for a wee when I want.

The solution chosen, after considering a cat flap (too small) my mum came up with an ingenious idea. She taught me to pull the door open using a tie around the door handle, but I was only strong enough to open the door if the door was left partially open. (no good in the cold weather)

So moving the pulling point to the very bottom corner of the door gives me enough leverage to open it even if it is shut tight. She then fashioned a ring to make it easier to pull. Thanks mum, I can now let my self out whenever I want, except when it's actually locked.
Below is a little demonstration video:

1 comment:

  1. fantastic..but sweden there is actually dog flaps to..a bit surprised there arent any in scotland...good thing grozny is such a smart dog :0))
