Sunday 19 September 2010

Why Facebook

Hi friends, I forgot to mention in my last post (silly me) that my facebook name is Grozny Pupski, so if you want to be my friend just search for me.

I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about why I have a facebook page, after all my blog has been a great success, and much more so than I humbly expected. However, I feel there is so much more that just can't be expressed in my blog. Blogs tend to be for the big things, the funny stories, the events in life, which my blog will continue to be used for. But, sometimes there are pictures, opinions, likes , dislikes and cool stuff I rate, that I feel an entire blog entry doesn't warrant.

I sit down to put in some new pictures, but feel I have nothing to say about them that would fill a blog post, or I want to share something, like a quote or comment of the day, that would be wasted in a blog. So facebook essentially is for all the small things, that makes life and the day go a little quicker, the funny things, the thought provoking things, that are all missed by a once every so often blog.

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