Tuesday 19 October 2010

Autumn Walk

Well this morning started as a bit of a disappointment, the rain lashing down meant that my morning walk , was all walk and no play. Mum is such a grouch, she doesn't like me sliding around in the mud at the park in the pouring rain, because I end up tired, dirty and smelling damp. The reason she doesn't approve is because when I get in, I need a shower, which usually involves mum feeling tired, dirty and smelling damp, not to mention the devastation in the bathroom.

So I spent the morning in a huff, moping around making a general nuisance of myself, steeling shoes and slippers, bits of tissue paper and getting up to the usual nonsense. After getting into trouble I spent the remainder of the morning with my paws crossed hoping for better weather in the afternoon, and it came. A beautiful autumn day, the light was shining low in the sky, peeking through what was left of the leaves on the trees, and to my joy, mum picked up my lead and beckoned towards the door for an extra walk. Extra to my usual, this is not a normal time to go for a walk, I normally don't go until after my dinner. Wahoo!. However we did not go to the park, instead we went for an autumn walk. Not a bad thing you would think but I was unwittingly duped into a photo shoot. Yes that's right, lots of 'stay Grozny', 'sit Grozny' , 'lie down Grozny' 'good boy' and 'just another picture over here Grozny'...'just stand over there Grozny'.....could NOT BELIEVE it! what a mug.

I did get some ball playing time, and later got to go to the park after dinner and MUD SLIDE!!! wahooo, I love mud sliding ...I Just love it! especially in the dark.
The finished pics are below:

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