Tuesday 15 June 2010

Search and Rescue

So to set the scene, I was out for my walk this evening, but when I arrived at the park, there was a kids football match on, so, much to my disappointment I had to play with my tennis ball at the edge of the park on a tiny piece of grass. This was ok but it meant that I didn't get to chase the ball very far. After about 20 minutes the football match wound up and most people started to go home, so owner and I walked to the end of the football field to get a better run around with the tennis ball.

After a few laps I noticed that the two football coaches were beating the very long and very dense, grass and weeds at the end of the football field. I ignored them for a while and carried on playing. Next thing I know my owner has put my tennis ball away in her pocket. what? why? ! She starts asking me find the ball?, find the ball?, well duh! it's in your pocket!. Then I twigged, those men were looking for a lost football. If there is one thing I love, it's a leather football especially brand new. So off I set, I sniffed all along the edge of the field and then round the goal posts and then back to the edge, I was sniffing for about 10 minutes in total. I sniffed my way through a complete re-run of the match- he passed to him- then it went over here- then it was out- he thew it back in- he shoots - and hits the post-the goaly passes it back out- it goes high!! ......and into the long grass. Finally I had got the scent- they couldn't find it because it had gone into the field beyond, I quickly nudged under the fence and emerged with a brand new football. WOW they all said, they were in awe of my super powers. They thought I didn't even know what I was looking for. I reluctantly handed over the football to a very pleased little boy and his football coach, and told him he could use my services anytime. A-ma-zing!
I have sent my CV to the police in case they need a sniffer dog who can find footballs. I will let you know if I hear back.

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