Saturday 19 June 2010

Pup in Boots

Hello friends,
I just thought I would update you on how I got on on my hike with my new 'go faster' shoes on.
I am happy to report that they are gravel proof, water proof and to my owners dismay, Bog proof. Yes in my brand new shoes I decided to take an extended bath in the dirtiest, stinkiest , muddiest, Bog i could find. My owner was convinced I was going to lose a shoe in the bottom of the bog and that she would have to fish it out.,but I have to say as part of my 'shoe review' that they are hardy little things and they never looked like falling off once.

The next big test in the 'shooooe reviewoo" was the river test. Throwing the flat football into the river and me swimming in to get it, over and over and over and over and over again. I can report that yep, they're great. They don't come off when I swim, they don't fill with water and they protect my paws from the 'unknown' under the water which can include sharp rocks, glass, wire and anything else you might find in the river.

Stopping as we usually do at the pub half way, no one really noticed my shoes or if they did they did not comment. The one thing I love about stopping at the pub is Garlic bread. That's right you heard correctly, if Macaroni cheese is on the menu then it comes with a side serving of Garlic bread and wow it's amazing- its the future you know- garlic bread. All dog kind is going to go that way one day,forget dog food, the future is garlic Bread.

So to sum up my "shooe reviewoo" They are a definite improvement on my pads, and even by the end of the walk I was still striding out in front with no discomfort. I recommend them to other canines and I highly recommend the Garlic Bread.

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