Thursday 17 June 2010

New Shoes

After my many weekend hikes, the pads on my paws have become split, blistered and sore, due to walking along the hot and gritty pavement (thats the sidewalk for my american friends). They will toughen up in time, but limping around on the road is no fun. So to help in the mean time I have purchased some new shoes, and very nice they are too. Especially deigned for dogs, they have a tough extra grip sole which is ideal for rough terrain.

The phenomena of sore pads is not uncommon, only just this week a fellow labrador had to be rescued from a mountain after he was unable to travel any futher on his poor blistered pads.
You can read the full story here:

I tried my shoes on for the first time today for a short walk to the park, and they fit snuggly, were comfortable and I was even able to chase my ball without them coming off :)

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