Saturday 25 November 2017

Eye,m still not well

Back to the v..e..t today for another look at the eye. The eye drops they sent me home with haven't really worked on account of the instructions. Have you ever seen a dog trying to put in eye drops...mighty difficult without thumbs :)
So having read the instructions and having no luck on my own the parents stepped in to assist. Now for those that know me the term wuus is used often as I'm a big spooks, so the final result was eye drops in the eye 15% ,eye drops on the carpet 85%. So given the carpet mites are now fully protected against bacteria and slowly creating a super colony under my paws, we had a wee trip back to the v..e..t.. for an eye ointment.
No clear diagnosis yet but the working theory is conjunctivitis or an allergy...perhaps to the super bugs in the carpet lol.
So 1 week of sticking gel in my eye and then it's a sedation and a look from the surgeon. Hopefully it wont come to that.
In other news mum got flu for her birthday which wasnt nice because I haven't been able to sit on her seat of the couch for days.
Also her Xmas village is complete, it will soon be time for my stocking to go up, but there's a wee holiday away before then.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, dog is very good looking,can see she is cared for greatly. I have a quick question which might sound weird, but have you ever used the handle Beevee in online games?
