Saturday 4 November 2017

Vet Visit

Before I wrote this blog I realised that the last time I posted was also an ailment, I guess that's just a sign of age these days.

So about 2 weeks ago I had a swollen eye and after leaving it for a few days to see if it would heal., it hasn't. A small seed was found near my eye last Wednesday ,so again thought I would leave it and see if that had been the cause ,but today still no change.
A wee trip to the Vet, somewhat more traumatic than I would have liked; the other dogs are all crazy, barking and it sounds like torture is going on in the next examination room.
 I was pulled around,squashed in to a corner and liquid poured in my eye, blue lights shined in it and all sorts. Not pleasant!
Also the liquid schtuff turned my eye yellow.
Long story short they don't know what it is but after my 'weigh in' they did confirm I was fat! What a cheek, just went in for eye drops!
So I have returned home with medicine to take and eye drops to have put in twice a day and parents who are on a diet mission....

Little do they know I'm only going to take medicine if they feed me ham, so the diet isn't going to go as they plan.
I have to go back mid week to see how it's getting on, the eye that is...not the diet.

Other than that had a nice walk and a spot of lunch. Just resting now on our new couches. They arrived on Thursday and they are very comfy, although mum has already covered my seat in protective wares..ho humm,  at least it's warm with those on, and no one else wants to sit on my seat :)

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