Saturday 21 August 2010

Living in the dog house

Yesturday for some reason I was feeling hungry for my dinner a little earlier than usual. My owner had prepared a home made pizza with fresh tuna as a topping. In order to cook the pizza the oven apparently needs to pre heat, so he popped away for a short time to wait for that light on the oven to go out. Well I could just smell it, you know, it was right there on the table, just smelling of tuna. mmmm I paced and paced around the kitchen floor, my nose bobbing in the air, and the more I thought about it , the more I wanted it. You know like when the button says 'do not press' you just can't stop thinking about what it might do, and you'r just so tempted to press it. Well this was just like that, don't touch the pizza!
I just jumped up for a look initially, you know, just to see it, then when I was up there I thought one tiny piece won't matter they wont even notice. I mean chances are I would be getting a bit when it's cooked anyway, why not just have my bit now, it's not unreasonable, so I took a tiny piece, but then the unthinkable happed, the pizza slid off the table!! Oh my god! nooooo, quick get rid of the evidence, i'v never eaten so fast in my life. My jaws aching from quickly trying to chew the uncooked dough. my owner returned and started shouting, I sat there saying, I never saw any pizza, are you sure you made one? maybe it's still in the fridge. Oh yes I remember now there was a bird flew in through the window , I saw him take it, honestly. Unfortunatley what I didnt realise was the large amount of white flour clinging to my whiskers and chin.
So I got a big row and no dinner ( not that I needed it) and my owner had to order in a take away , which I also didnt get any of. So today i'm in the dog house.

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