Sunday 15 August 2010

Camping is not a hotel

So camping is not a hotel, no room service, no en suite and no laundry service, but overall it was enjoyable.
Upon arrival the humans quickly erected a make shift refugee camp. It consisted of some water proof tarpaulin stretched across poles to form a crude shelter. I stayed in the car during this process (very wise). They arranged the shelters in a square formation creating a clear square area of living space in the middle of the dwellings. This I took to be ‘our patch’ and I was extremely vigilant about protecting this area from friend and foe alike.

All was fine until night fell and the realisation set in that we were actually going to sleep here.Well I wasn’t up for that, after protesting strenuously my owner and I ended up spending half of the first night in the car. Once the camping site had gone quiet for the night we snuck back into the tent but it was a restless night with many unusual noises and bumps and I spent the night growling and barking.
The next day was pleasant indeed, although I had barely slept I was only too happy to go for a long canal side walk, and to add to it the humans had small boats on the canal so I was ducking a diving in and out of the water alongside the boats. At one point I alerted a mother duck and got a peck on the nose for it. After a long walk we stopped for a pub lunch and it was made all the better by a substantial helping of Garlic Bread and prime streak.

After a long walk back and my lack of sleep you would think I would have slept like a log, but not the case, this time I opted to sleep in the porch of the tent that way I could survey my patch all night and make sure no one stepped foot in our designated area, and that was all great. I was quiet all night as well as staying dry.

It did rain once whist we were at the camp, and my goodness did it rain, it was a down pour , and I was not prepared to get trapped in the tent again so I weathered the storm outside alone.
Overall I enjoyed camping besides my lack of sleep, I had a good canal walk and swim and had a fun time talking to Eva. I think we understood each other, I talked dog and she seemed to respond, it’s strange that the smaller the humans are the easier it is to communicate in dog.

The only slight misunderstanding came when she tried to eat my dinner, I tried to explain that it was mine but I think we had cross wires.

Other than camping I spent the week at the grandparent’s house and had a very nice time, lots of long walks, even one that was cut short by a field of un-friendly bulls.Lots of swimming in the river and I even went for a ride on the bus.

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