Wednesday 28 February 2018

Snow Day !!

Thought something was up when mum was off work today. So, early on we ventured out to the park to experience the snowy wonderland.
Having slept off the exertion of early morning snow frisbee, mum spent time marvelling the slip sliding cars trying to make their way up and over the bridge in Lasswade.
A few gave up and parked up , a few turned round only to get stuck on the incline in the other direction. Community spirit kicked in as residence of lasswade took shifts at pushing stranded cars over the bridge and on their way.
Another surprise outing to the park around lunchtime and you would have thought that would be enough for one day....but seemingly not.....having not been in the garden all day when I popped my head out after dinner it was virgin snow and really deep!! Mum came out to play for a while and it was good fun,

 so fun I didnt want to come in 😁

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