Saturday 27 November 2010

Snow Rocks!

Hey! the snow is here, that's pretty exciting in the UK since we don't always get snow. It fell in a blizzard all through the night and this morning is was deep enough to roll around in, just how I like it. We were lucky that the temperature didn't drop too much to freeze it, it was soft like feathers when I ran out excitedly into the garden this morning for a wee.

I spent the entire morning harrasing the bigyans 'are we going yet', 'is it time to go out yet', 'are you ready yet'. Mum says I was driving her round the bend. Ha ha.

At last! here we go, this is what I'm talking about, off to the park for a proper roll around. Mum rocks becuase she also took my Frisby. I haven't played with my Frisby in ages, not since I lost it in the river in the summer. How did it get back to my toy box? Some things in life are still a mystery to me. Anyway it's been so long since I have played frisby I forgot it doesn't bounce , at first everytime it was thrown I couldn't find it but I had a good time trying.
The other cool thing was that a few days ago Milly (jack russel) and Lilly (bichon) came round to play, before the snow, and Milly stole my tennis ball, but like the frisby mum had it back today, and the coolest thing was that it was completely clean, and the squeeky worked again, that was better than when I lost it, mums are so cool.

By the time we left the park, I was catching the frisby out of the air like a pro. Mum says it's like riding a bike, you never really forget. I haven't tried riding a bike, but I bet if I managed to do it, it would be an experience noone would ever forget.

Whilst at the park Milly came out to play, for those of you who know my cousin Milly (the jack russel) this was not her, this was Milly the border collie sheep dog, who lives near the park. She's ok, I dont mind her, but she doesn't really play, she just tries to round me up, like cattle.

Below is a video of todays run around, and some very cool photo's, enjoy.

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