Saturday 20 November 2010

Intensive training update

Hello again friends, I thought I would give you all a quick update on what has been happening in the past few weeks. I have been attending dog agility classes as you know, and at the same time my basic obedience training was stepped up a level. Mum has been watching and reading tips from the Dog whisperer Cesar Millan. So over the past three weeks Mum and I have been working on some general house rules and walking on the lead without pulling. Using the techniques advised by Cesar , the relationship between mum and I has improved loads in the past few weeks. Yesterday was the first day I walked all my daily walks without pulling on the lead at all. Today was a good day to put my skill to the test because it was pouring with rain all afternoon, so there was no opportunity to play fetch in the park, instead a longer very wet walk.

Inside the house I have learnt that mum doesn't really like me in the laundry room because I steal socks, so I have learnt to stay out of there, and politely watch from the door. Night time has changed too, I now have a bedtime routine and sleep in my basket during the night. As a thnakyou for all my hard work mum bought me a cuddly toy reindeer to play with and a new pillow for my bed.

I'm glad mum and I can now communicate in dog, for the most part, some stuff is still under translation, one such thing is the high visibility jacket, seen in the picture above, practical, yes I agree, cool, absolutely NOT. What teenager in their right mind would be seen dead in that. You can tell from the body language I am most unimpressed. Mum says she doesn't know what I'm talking about, but I don't believe her, you don't need to be dog whisperer to know contempt when you see it (see below). Save Me !

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