Monday 29 November 2010

Sunday 28 November 2010

Now thats what I call snow

So, two blogs in two days, what's going on , you might think, well, yesterday it snowed, and I was excited, but last night it REALLY snowed and this morning was just amazing. We have got about 6 inches of snow, so much so my owners had to dig their car out of the drive way this morning. The snow is so deep, I can't play with my ball. The snow is so deep we had professional snowboarders playing in my walkies park! Did I mention it's MY walkies park, you can tell it's MY walkies park because I have pee'd on everything.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so below is some video and pics, one video is particularly funny, it's called Dog crash and it is self explanatory.



Saturday 27 November 2010

Snow Rocks!

Hey! the snow is here, that's pretty exciting in the UK since we don't always get snow. It fell in a blizzard all through the night and this morning is was deep enough to roll around in, just how I like it. We were lucky that the temperature didn't drop too much to freeze it, it was soft like feathers when I ran out excitedly into the garden this morning for a wee.

I spent the entire morning harrasing the bigyans 'are we going yet', 'is it time to go out yet', 'are you ready yet'. Mum says I was driving her round the bend. Ha ha.

At last! here we go, this is what I'm talking about, off to the park for a proper roll around. Mum rocks becuase she also took my Frisby. I haven't played with my Frisby in ages, not since I lost it in the river in the summer. How did it get back to my toy box? Some things in life are still a mystery to me. Anyway it's been so long since I have played frisby I forgot it doesn't bounce , at first everytime it was thrown I couldn't find it but I had a good time trying.
The other cool thing was that a few days ago Milly (jack russel) and Lilly (bichon) came round to play, before the snow, and Milly stole my tennis ball, but like the frisby mum had it back today, and the coolest thing was that it was completely clean, and the squeeky worked again, that was better than when I lost it, mums are so cool.

By the time we left the park, I was catching the frisby out of the air like a pro. Mum says it's like riding a bike, you never really forget. I haven't tried riding a bike, but I bet if I managed to do it, it would be an experience noone would ever forget.

Whilst at the park Milly came out to play, for those of you who know my cousin Milly (the jack russel) this was not her, this was Milly the border collie sheep dog, who lives near the park. She's ok, I dont mind her, but she doesn't really play, she just tries to round me up, like cattle.

Below is a video of todays run around, and some very cool photo's, enjoy.

Saturday 20 November 2010

Intensive training update

Hello again friends, I thought I would give you all a quick update on what has been happening in the past few weeks. I have been attending dog agility classes as you know, and at the same time my basic obedience training was stepped up a level. Mum has been watching and reading tips from the Dog whisperer Cesar Millan. So over the past three weeks Mum and I have been working on some general house rules and walking on the lead without pulling. Using the techniques advised by Cesar , the relationship between mum and I has improved loads in the past few weeks. Yesterday was the first day I walked all my daily walks without pulling on the lead at all. Today was a good day to put my skill to the test because it was pouring with rain all afternoon, so there was no opportunity to play fetch in the park, instead a longer very wet walk.

Inside the house I have learnt that mum doesn't really like me in the laundry room because I steal socks, so I have learnt to stay out of there, and politely watch from the door. Night time has changed too, I now have a bedtime routine and sleep in my basket during the night. As a thnakyou for all my hard work mum bought me a cuddly toy reindeer to play with and a new pillow for my bed.

I'm glad mum and I can now communicate in dog, for the most part, some stuff is still under translation, one such thing is the high visibility jacket, seen in the picture above, practical, yes I agree, cool, absolutely NOT. What teenager in their right mind would be seen dead in that. You can tell from the body language I am most unimpressed. Mum says she doesn't know what I'm talking about, but I don't believe her, you don't need to be dog whisperer to know contempt when you see it (see below). Save Me !

Thursday 11 November 2010

See me in action

Welcome back friends, I thought I would post some video of me having a go at agility training. I haven't blogged in a few weeks because I have been so busy, so this video was taken on my second week of training. I have improved much since and learnt many more tricks. All the same, check it out, I rock.

Doing two at once...go mee