Tuesday 6 July 2010

Some Down Time

I thought I would try and write a bit of blog, as it might take my mind off the pain. It seems yesterday that I have damaged my back leg. I don't know what I've done, but it's very sore indeed. I have limped around since yesterday afternoon, mostly trying to sleep. It hurts so much I just can't get comfortable, iv tried basket, couch, floor but nothing helps.

My owners have tried to be supportive, rubbing the leg, looking at it with a torch (not sure what that does, makes it brighter I suppose, some strange tribal remedy idea they've got- I dunno.)

They offer treats and chocolate biscuit but I don't wanna eat, I just want to sleep for five minutes without the pain.

To top it off the little tribal member is here for the day running around being noisy, I'm not in the mood for kids at the best of times.

I did feel a little better this morning when my owner let me up on the bed for a cuddle, I'm not normally allowed up there, but she rubbed my ear until I fell asleep, it was nice until someone rang the door bell and 'ding' wide awake I was again.

Hopefully this will only last a few days - I have a holiday booked in August, I am due to go camping. I'll be honest with you, I don't know what camping is, according to one of my owners it's not a hotel, so that just confused me even more. I have been told there is swimming available at this camping site, so I will focus on that nice thought and try and get better in time.

I read on the Internet that it could take up to two weeks to heal if it's tissue damage. If I don't feel better in the next few days I might go and see the vet, see if I can get some pain killers.

Thanks for listening folks, it's helped to talk, takes my mind off it for a while, I'll be back soon.

Love you all


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