Friday 9 July 2010

Breakfast at Grozny's

So, I am still feeling under the weather, and I have been off my food for about two or three days now. Monday was the worst day, I turned down all food, but I have been feeling slightly better day on day since then.
I decided to visit the vet today to get some pain killers and for her to check out my leg.
She pulled and prodded and twisted my leg and the upshot is that I have a 'creaky' knee, this means I have to stay off it for a few days to see how it goes.
Surprisingly because of my lack of appetite my leg wasn't the only thing she prodded and poked - she took my temperature which involved sticking a thermometer in a rather unpleasant place. Following this she checked my glands which involved her sticking her fingers in the same unsavory place. - I tried to tell her that food coming out the other end was functioning normally, and that it was food intake that was the issue, but she didnt speak dog :( .All I wanted was some pain killers which I did eventually get, along with a sore bottom.

I have to return on Monday if I am still feeling unwell.

So the next problem my owners faced is how do you get a dog to eat when he is not hungry, well first you try different dog food - then you try human food, and if all that fails you feed him dog food off a plate using a fork to fool him into thinking its something really good he just can't resist.

So I will take it easy over the weekend and let you know how I get on on monday

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