Saturday 15 May 2010

A week of losses

What a strange week, firstly we have enjoyed some very fine weather indeed, that is, besides the freak hailstones during the sunshine on wednesday.
The fine weather saw me out and about and enjoying the river, which has lead to some loss of entertainment equipment. It all started on thursday when I dropped my heavy rubber ball into the river and it sank to the bottom, just away form the edge. It was visible to my walker, but I could not see it, every time I paddled around to see if I could find it, it blew up more silt and gravel, this made the water cloudy and I could not see, eventually the ball was completely covered. Eventually we had to leave it behind and go home:( - loss number 1

Friday was the day of the frisby, 8 year old sub walker thew frisby into the river, but again due to it being flat to the water surface I could not see the frisby, and so it began to be lost to the current. Walker had to wade into the river right up to his knees to rescue the frisby..phew two losses in two days would have been very unfortunate.

Saturday saw my big walk around roslin Glen, and brilliant it was too, a two hour walk this time :) During my walk we stopped at the river and I met Murphy a 2 year old black lab, who was very playful, but unfortunately even at this young age, he sufers from hip dysplacia, a back leg disorder that labs get. As Murphy and I chased my orange dummy float, I became distracted by Murphys walker throwing in a stick, once I lost sight of the dummy float, that was it, it was caught by the rapids and off it went. Murphy could see it, but unfortunalty he doesnt really know how to fetch:(
We walked along the river as far as we could trying to see if it might have got caught on a rock, but no luck:( 'thats it,' my walker said, 'you've lotst it, its gone' :( and so we gave up. My beloved orange dummy float is probably on its way to the sea by now.

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