Saturday 28 September 2013

Birthday Road Trip

So another year passes and the big 4 arrives, I can't believe where the time has gone.
The morning started early, we were on the road by 9:30am heading towards Crichton Castle. The forecast was for sunny spells and showers but in fact the weather couldn't have been more perfect. Autumn sun shining on colouring leaves and I might venture to say that with a slightly brisk walk it could even be considered a warm day.
We parked up and read the notices, there was no information pertaining to the banning of dogs, always a good sign,  better still nothing to say I have to be on lead either, bonus.
Looking at the track ahead and the rolling hills of long grass it was a gun dog's dream location. I bounced high over, in and out of the tall grass; small seeds clinging to my fur making me look less than glamorous. At the top of the short walk we were not disappointed by the stunning views and enormous castle. It was positively picnic weather at the top but we had left the supplies in the car. So after a run around and some photographs we headed back. 

Just before leaving, a wedding party started to arrive to the church we were parked next to. What a perfect day and location for the happy couple who had opted to have their photographs taken near the castle.

Upon arriving home there was more birthday treats in store. My good friend Nico had come round to play. I was a little cautious at first as I ventured into my house sniffing the air of foreign dog smells. However, I soon identified the culprit and was excited to be spending an afternoon chasing round the garden together.

Thank you to everyone on Facebook for my Happy Birthday messages, I have had a great day.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Road Trips

Prior to the bank holiday weekend Mum and Dad decided to kit out the car as a an overnight camper-van. I say overnight because the facilities at present are very limited so you really couldn't stay more than one night. What has been good though is the ability to pack up and go on the road and investigate places of interest, using the car as a base from which to explore. 
The bank holiday weekend we set off for Gullane this was a great looking place with parking by the sea. The day we went there was a cycle race so the place was too busy. We took a quick drive through and headed on to North Berwick. At North Berwick I got a chance to play on the sand and even made it into the sea. I don’t usually go in the sea  because I'm scared of the waves but on this occasion the waves were timid and so I was tempted in by a thrown stick. 

Covered in sand and soggy we headed to a cliff top car park overlooking Bass Rock. This rock is famous for the 150,000 Gannets that live on it. The Bass Rock was formed 320 million years ago and is an active volcano. It has played a key role throughout the history of Scotland - a religious retreat during early Christianity; fortress and prison in the time of the Covenanters and Jacobites; and a strategic stronghold during the times of the Scottish and English wars.We had great fun watching the birds and the boats along the shore. 

On the way back we briefly visited Chester hill fort, an Iron Age fortified village dating back approximately 2000 years.

Today’s trip was to Borthwick. First we investigated Currie wood which has a nice woodland walk suitable for dogs and there is also a shallow river to paddle in. We then travelled to see Borthwick castle however, when we got there it was closed. A local informed us it has been bought by a new owner and is currently being refurbished and won’t open again until May. A bit disappointing but the car conversion came in handy as we were able to sit in the car under the trees with a fantastic view and eat our lunch.