Thursday 21 April 2011

Emperors new clothes

I have been away for a week visiting the extended family. I had lots of fun, we went for a hike on Sunday morning which was fantastic, lots of running around off the lead, and I got to go swimming too. My uncle took some pictures of me swimming, but I havent seen them yet, hopefully I wll post them when I get them.

Today mum started on designing me a jacket, she gets things into her head sometimes, and there is no negotiating. I don't like clothes at the best of times never mind standing still to be measured and have pins put in. (repeatedly ...sigh )
The jacket was made from an old pair of walking trousers, and the finished result is really smart, it kinda looks like you could have bought it, if you half close your eyes and dim the lights a bit.

So below are some pictures of the finished jacket and me wearing it - (bribed with biscuit.)

Sunday 10 April 2011

Grozny's Secret Garden

As promised I have shot a short video tour of my secret Garden, I have also included some activities that I get up to in there too. Enjoy!

Saturday 2 April 2011

Good times and My own Adventure Playground

So a bit of finer weather appeared weekend before last . Mum and friend went to Roslin for our usual walk. I was charging up and down, trying to expend some pent up energy when they took a detour and headed towards the pub, we haven’t been to the pub since September. This was unexpected but enjoyable, I got a small piece of Ham sandwich for being a good boy. On the way back we walked up the closed road, the road is closed because the workmen are working to fix it. I stepped in an open pot hole and got my front paw covered in cement. I didn’t mind, it didn’t bother me, I still ran around like a lunatic. When we got home mum wouldn’t let me in the living room until I had been in the shower, so I trotted wearily in and waited for mum to fetch a towel ready for when I came out of the shower. By the time she returned I had settled down in the bottom of the shower and fallen asleep. That extra bit of walk had really worn me out.

The most exciting news this week is that mum has a friend she knows that owns a bit of woodland at the back of their house. Mum has asked, and got permission to use it whenever we want. More than this mum is going to build me my very own adventure playground, with jumps and tunnels to play on, just like agility but all made out of the natural environment. We went there to check it out on Monday and it was fabulous, it even has a river for swimming, I’m so lucky. Mum rocks!  She says she is going on Thursday to get started on clearing some paths; I’m going to go too, just to run around and get under her feet. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Last weekend we went away on holiday again, mum wasn’t sure if I would remember the holiday house, and I didn’t at first, but then I couldn’t believe my eyes, in the front garden, just where I left it, was my piece of round wood. If you see any of my holiday videos from last year you will see that I was chasing and retrieving a small piece of round wood, and there it was, wow, mum couldn’t believe how excited I was to see it, it was as if the floor was electric I was jumping up and down so much and running round in circles chasing my tail.

Slightly disappointing this year, because the sheep weren’t in the field so no ‘baa baa tv’ this time.  However there were two partridges which provided much amusement for quite a long time.

I spent the holiday doing lots of walking, sleeping and swimming. The river was amazing, so clear and just the right depth. Mum took some video of me swimming after my ball, normally they just throw it in straight across the river, but this time they were waitng for me to swim out across the river and then throwing the ball far away from me, down stream, man did I have to work hard.

The major new experience of the holiday was encountering the sea for the first time, this was strange, and the salty taste did not go down well. Mum didn’t take my ball so there was nothing to chase. They threw in stones to get me to swim out, as you will see from my video I tried to retrieve the stones by sticking my head under the water and trying the see them, I came out with something strange that tasted yucky, mum said it was sea weed, it must be a weed alright with a taste like that. A good time was had by all. I have added lots of pics.




This weekend mum has been working in the woodland and i'v been helping, mum says I’m not much help, but I think I am. Mum cuts down sticks and twigs to create paths and open areas and as she tries to drag them away to the spoil heap she keeps turning round thinking they have got caught on other shrubbery, but they’re not, it’s me tugging the other end and trying to play with them, he he. Today we went there and built a wall of branches along the steepest part of the river bank to stop me from falling in, it’s quite impressive, but she had help, of course.