Saturday 13 July 2019

Arasaig and Malaig

After enjoying the North coast 500 last year, this year we opted to head to the part of the west coast that we didn't include in our NC 500 last year.

Image result for arisaig and mallaig map

We set off  for a hotel near Fort William at the end of Glen Coe. The weather wasn't exactly fine :/ but Glen Coe looks dramatic in any weather.

Image result for Glen coe in the rain

we stayed in a hotel in Onich which was right on the Loch Front, which in Labrador terms means it comes with a swimming pool. I was given strict instructions not to be WET DOG in the hotel room, so I had to patiently wait for the next morning to have an early morning swim. The evening meal was good, Dad didn't disappoint and had the steak, as is traditional when he is on holiday. This is excellent for me because I get the left overs for waiting patiently in the hotel room.

So there was no breakfast for us at the Hotel as we were up, out, and swimming long before breakfast time. A drive to Arasaig to charge the car before moving on to Malaig. Wait! you didn't think we were going to skip breakfast all-together did you ?
We were as prepared as boy scouts and breakfast was served under a watchful 'schmuzzle'

Once we and the car were fully recharged, we headed to Malaig where we saw some fab scenery, took some photo's, watched the ferries and boats come in to the harbor before heading back for a second night at Crainlarich. The second night included evening meal; mmm more steak for me, and full Scottish breakfast to which I enjoyed a tip bit of every non vegetable variety: Bacon, sausage, haggis and black pudding mmmm I love holiday breakfast!
The day we returned home was spectacular sunshine and 18 degrees, I guess that's just Scotland for you.

Arasaig to Malaig

Malaig Harbour

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