Sunday 30 April 2017

Bad leg

Past few weeks I have had intermittent bad back leg. Although it's fine when I am out and about and not too bad in the mornings, after walkies it's really bad. Mum tried taking me swimming today instead of a walk to see if that was better. I absolutely loved it but as previous days , I Can't get up the stairs can't get on the couch. If I do get on the couch I can't get off again. After some research mum thinks it might be a torn muscle. I'm a bit of a wuss so it could just be a pulled muscle. I got stuck down stairs at the back door tonight for an hour. Anyone trying to help me up is met with sharp squeeking/squealing. I finally made it to the couch and mum set me up with a hot water bottle and my much loved toy duck. See how I am in the morning but I think it might be a call to the V. E. T.