Saturday 5 December 2015

Rain Rain and more Rain

So I'm thinking about building an ark, not to share but just for me, my toys and my Frisbee. It's rained now for days non stop. Road works due to flooding in my village means going walkies further afield is less attractive and more time consuming.
So today I woke determined not to sit in doors but to face the day, unsurprisingly it rained and rained and rained some more. I headed up to Crichton castle where the gale force winds were so strong I could barely walk forwards up the hill. My ears were pinned right back and the driving rain meant my eyes were tight shut. No chance of Frisbee today in this weather, mum braved the weather with me but it was a short jaunt along the path and then a quick jog back to the car.

Feeling disappointed and in a huff we headed back home.

Mum offered to help me put up the Christmas decorations in my room as she was decorating the living room anyway.This cheered me up no end, my stocking is out ready for Santa and my toys are all neatly put away in my room. So Iv'e been awfully good and hoping Santa will visit me, I try to leave food out for him and his reindeer but it's just too tempting not to eat it myself. I think Santa understands that about dogs :)