Saturday 5 December 2015

Rain Rain and more Rain

So I'm thinking about building an ark, not to share but just for me, my toys and my Frisbee. It's rained now for days non stop. Road works due to flooding in my village means going walkies further afield is less attractive and more time consuming.
So today I woke determined not to sit in doors but to face the day, unsurprisingly it rained and rained and rained some more. I headed up to Crichton castle where the gale force winds were so strong I could barely walk forwards up the hill. My ears were pinned right back and the driving rain meant my eyes were tight shut. No chance of Frisbee today in this weather, mum braved the weather with me but it was a short jaunt along the path and then a quick jog back to the car.

Feeling disappointed and in a huff we headed back home.

Mum offered to help me put up the Christmas decorations in my room as she was decorating the living room anyway.This cheered me up no end, my stocking is out ready for Santa and my toys are all neatly put away in my room. So Iv'e been awfully good and hoping Santa will visit me, I try to leave food out for him and his reindeer but it's just too tempting not to eat it myself. I think Santa understands that about dogs :)

Thursday 6 August 2015

East Lothian days

So for the past few days we have been exploring East Lothian making the most of the patchy sunshine :)

Dad also has a new camera so he's been testing it out on the road trips,  check out the YouTube video below, guest staring yours truly as always :) . If I may say so myself still looking dapper in HD. ; )

Sunday 5 July 2015

Argyll Again

So a week ago Saturday we set off for the north west coast to Argyll, back to the big house with the Frisbee lawn, conservatory and the massive garden by the loch.

After initially settling in after packing pretty much the Kitchen sink we were soon joined by the Son, Partner and granddaughter. After teaching her how to play throw so I can fetch we were soon house bound due to diminishing light and the descending of the Scottish Midge cloud of death.

The next day was billed to be full of Frisbee, walks, swims and general holiday super-ness but unfortunately dad got a stomach bug and so spent most of the next three to four days on the toilet or sleeping on the couch.
Mum and the guests headed in to town for a look about and finished the day with fish and chips.

Next to arrive on Wednesday was the grandparents, by now the weather was a heat wave, Dad was feeling a bit better and I had the most amazing time swimming in the sea loch and spent every minute of day light wandering through the house and to the garden with my ball.
I improved my throwing accuracy by managing to be able to throw my ball through the railings of the decking for appropriate human to pick up and throw.

On the final day we were all packed and ready to go for our hike, dog food was packed as well as ball and water bottle. We were off on a five hour walk from village shop to old historical Iron Age village museum. Along the way many sights to take in including Roman bridges and Wolf Rock. (some-what of a pilgrimage for me as wolf Rock is an actual rock and is legend to be marking the place where the last Wolf of Argyll was killed.) After folding carefully their very vague instructions in to a pocket, we set off in to the amazing sunshine to begin our walk. After a bit of debate over where to start and which way to go ...... we were almost on the right track when Nana slipped and broke her ankle. 

Being the most highly trained member of the team I was the first in to action – sniffing the injury and making an assessment of the damage. After trying a nearby house for assistance with no avail I headed back down the track to fetch help leaving Granda with the patient and taking mum with me for dexterity support- (after all not being able to speak the lingo or acquire tools, I needed human back up – even if she did slow me down). 

Almost reaching the main road we came across a pick-up coming towards us containing a forestry commission park ranger. I flagged him down with my tail and asked Mum to translate specific instructions to fetch the injured party and bring them safely down the track to the main road. Mum did an ok job but not being the professional that I am we had to follow the truck and eventually I had to get in the passenger seat and give specific whisker and nose instructions myself. But hey, we got there in the end.

Whilst the Ranger and Granda helped Nana in to the truck, Mum and I headed down the track to meet Dad who was making his way to meet us to take Nana to A and E. Which was over 30 minutes drive away in the next town.

Whilst Nana and Granda waited in A and E and Nana got a cast fitted to her very broken ankle. Mum, Dad and I went in to the town (Lochgilphead) to look around. We found a smoked fish shop and Dad bought a smoked trout which we shared as a picnic in the car. I must say it tasted amazing and they generously allowed me to have all the best bits (Head, Tale and Skin)
Good Times.

After returning to the house to wait for the grandparents to hobble home, I made the most of my last night by tucking up on a sofa made for three J

Best Dog holiday ever!