Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year at Crichton Castle

So after staying up late for the Bells for New year it was a weary roll out of bed at 11am for Mum this morning. We decided the roads would be quiet and we would head for the rolling hills and views of Crichton Castle.

We invited some friends along too

After having some running around fun with the Frisbee, the ball and Leigha-Jay, we headed for a cup of tea in the car. This was the first cup of tea in the new car and Mum, Leigha-Jay and I had great fun playing house in the back of the car.

Mum put the kettle on and Leigha-Jay helped get all the things out of the bag and arrange them ready for making the tea and coffee. Leigha-Jay's Dad and my Dad talked cars and spent time checking out each others car engines and comparing engine sizes as guys do.

Once the tea was made and all the things were put away, Leigha-Jay pitched in and helped with the cleaning. It was all very muddy in the back of the car with peoples shoes and my muddy fur so we had a lot of cleaning to do.

We had a really nice time watching out of the window looking at other people and other dogs going for a walk up to the castle.