Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas Stuff

Hello all,
I haven't blogged in a while but at this time of year Mum seems to have the time to sit down and write up what I have been jotting down in my diary for the last few months.
A few weeks ago we had a guest come to stay, well actually he was a runaway that mum and dad brought in from the cold. He made himself quite at home, ate my food, drank my water and slept on my sofa given half the chance. Only issue was he wasn't too keen on me being here, he wanted me gone and my Mum and Dad all to himself. So eventually we were split from arguing by Diesel being sent to to the Kitchen for time-out (Ha ha).When his owner was finally located, Diesel left the building and what a relief, I can tell you. I spent the rest of the night reassuring myself that I was the one and only puppy in the house and that this Dog was not a new Christmas present.

Speaking of Christmas it is a year of big presents, mum and dad have splashed out on a new car. The new car is a bit odd, in that it is the same as the old car, same shape, same size, same inside but a different colour, different sound , different smell. The new car was needed because mum crashed the old one (thanks Mum). Mum not happy because Dad is making her drive the old dented one to work everyday until it won't work any more, whilst dad get to drive the shiny new one. This is ok with me because I'm with dad most of the day so I get to be chauffeured around in the new one.
So under the tree this year is not that many gifts but mum is satisfied that she has them all wrapped in time.

I say under the tree it's a tiny tree, more of a Christmas scene created in the fire place, but it's quite cute and the use of the acoustic guitar make it very rock, folk.

A slight hic-up with the presents is that Iv seen my present already. I located it with my nose amongst the other gifts before it was wrapped, now all I have to do is sit by my stocking with big eyes , tilted head and ears forward until she lets me have it early.

The final bit of news is that I have learnt a whole new word, it's called HAM ( large roast ham joint) and it's the most fantastic food in the whole world. A lot of the past few days has been spent sitting staring lovingly at the large tin foil shape either in the fridge or on the side board.
So Merry Christmas Everyone !!