Monday 22 July 2013

Holidays with sunshine

Back on holidays again, I'm such a lucky boy. This time we were in the north west of Scotland near Inveraray in Argyll. We hired a house that had everything a dog could wish for. Plenty of space, a gazillion couches to choose from, conservatory, huge garden, a river running next to the garden and a Loch at the end of the garden and to cap it all off a paddock at the front for playing Frisbee.

I had a great week except for the midges who bit me round my eyes which wasn't nice. I did some swimming in Loch Fyne which is a sea loch. Now normally I won't go near the sea because I'm scared of the waves that chase me up the beach but in this environment I showed no fear of the still calm water and jumped right in. It wasn't until I put my head under to grab a rock I realised that sea water tastes disgusting and made a quick retreat back to the shore.

Later in the week some friends came to stay with their dogs which made for healthy competition of the tennis ball.
We had great weather for the whole week and based on facilities, scenery, walking and sleeping I would rate this area four out of four paws and am looking forward to visiting again.

Below are some holiday snaps.

Monday 8 July 2013

Best summer evening ever!

So it's 10pm at night and its still light outside and I'm snoozing on the living room carpet trying to ignore the heat that keeps making me wake up and pant. Then to my surprise Mum and Dad got up and went outside to the garden and I was called upon to accompany. To my surprise when we got outside a large green swimming pool had arrived and it was full of water. At first I wasn't sure and I tiptoed around the edge sniffing at the water and getting only my whiskers wet. Then Mum brought out the water ball, the one I only get when I'm down by the river. I couldn't contain my excitement. Mum tempted me by placing it right in the centre of the pool so I would have to go in and get it, but I out smarted her and I used my paw to move the water and bring the ball to the edge where I carefully picked it out and shook it dry. Finally they threw it in and I was so involved in the chase I dived right in and thought nothing of it. from then on it was fun and water all the way. After 20 minutes of jumping swimming and retrieving, Mum and Dad got a heavy rubber ball and threw it in,.The rubber ball sunk to the bottom which confused me greatly. I didn't like it but I had to put my face in the water and reach right to the bottom to get it. My face was soaking and dripping heavy with water. My eyes were tight shut as I shook off the excess water and returned the ball dutifully to try the experience again. Finally the night ended with a drying session with two towels, one to play with and one to get dried with. It couldn't have been a more perfect night. I just can't wait for tomorrow it's going to be so welcome to paddle when the sun is out.
Mum and Dad surprised me with a swimming pool for the garden and it's fantastic!