Friday 19 April 2013

Boat Trip

This was a while ago now at the end of March but I haven’t been blogging as often as I used to. It’s difficult these days to find time to blog in between the sleeping and the walkies and the sleeping and the dinner and the sleeping. Anyway, as you do, it’s good to have a break now and again and take a wee holiday. This year mum and dad opted for a boat far far away down in the south of England.
The holiday was really good fun, I got to stick my head out of the boat window when it was driving and I got to sit out of the back and watch the bubbles too. I got my own double bed to sleep on and a new environment to explore every time the boat stopped. The only down sides were not getting to swim, I had to walk on the lead and there wasn’t anywhere suitable to play Frisbee. The weather was very very windy, when we were out my ears just couldn’t stay flat. Besides the weather we got to see a few sites including exploring a ruined Abbey. (I wee weed on the sign post for it on the way there and again on the way back)  
 I did make a few new friends whilst I was there. The ducks came right up onto the boat to get bread from the kitchen and I talked to them nose to nose through the glass. As with most British tourists that go on holiday I didn’t learn any of the lingo before we went, so conversations with the Ducks were limited to body language and eye contact.
Overall it was a good holiday.
Due to the long drive and the lack of run around facilities on shore I’m going to award it 2 out of 4 paws

Inside Abbey looking up
Below are some pics and a video from our trip