Sunday 20 May 2012

Speed Sniffing

Dogs, as a general rule, experience most things as pups, but I seemingly missed a very important, and exhilarating past time that many other dogs enjoy. I have been missing out on this hobby simply because of the unfortunate design of my parents car, i.e. the back window doesn't open. So today they borrowed a car for reasons I don’t know but Oh My God! where has the window been my whole life, it was amazing. Check out the video.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Dove Tale

So I wandered out for my last wee wee of the night, and as I was standing doing a pee something small touched my nose, I looked around to my owner (whilst still peeing) then looked back and it had turned around, so I sniffed it’s bum, in order to discover if this was friend or foe. I looked again to my owner for some sort of confirmation that this intruder was meant to be here, then I turned round and we were face to face again (still peeing). Then I finished up my pee and wandered happily into the house to go to bed. Seemingly what I didn’t know was that this was indeed an intruder, a tired and lost, racing pigeon.

Dad took him in and he spent the night in a cardboard box on our kitchen table. Now the interesting thing being that a few months ago we got a new fridge and we read through a lot of reviews about each fridge and you might be thinking worrying thoughts now because I mentioned a fridge during a pigeon story, but I assure you there’s nothing sinister about this story, so you can read on.

On the review of our fridge one of the comments was that it was a little bit noisy but specifically that the noise it makes sounds like cooing doves. So this poor pigeon spent the night thinking he was talking to someone outside the box, when in fact it was a fridge. Bet he thought he was talking to a right nutter. Or being a pigeon maybe not, they are not known for their massive intelligence. I think if he had rated us as a Bed and Breakfast we would have scored 1 out of 5 for noisy tenants and no sleep. The next day he was released according to the instructions given from his owner over the phone, and we have not seen him since.