Saturday 28 April 2012

Best Dog!

So! Sometimes in a dog’s life a big thing happens, a large event, a time of significance and on the 10th of April I was invited to be best dog at mum and dad’s wedding. It’s a big responsibility, there was no one else could take my place if I couldn’t make it, so the pressure was on.

The wedding was a in a big Scottish castle and the one thing you can rely on in Scotland is the weather – not. The day started with snow, not the best, it was that horrible slushy wet snow that doesn’t lie on the ground, within hours the weather had turned to rain and the skies were dark grey. Dad drove me to the castle in the car and helped me put on my bow tie and brushed my fur so I was looking my best. I waited patiently in the car waiting to see mum and the rest of the family.

I was fully intending to wait until after the ceremony to see mum and have some photos taken with everyone. So I settled down for a wee sleep in the car. The next thing I know Dad came rushing out and said I was to come into the chapel, wow how exciting. Mum will be so surprised to see me there, what a special treat. All was well, I was handed over to someone to hold and advise me on what t do. It was very exciting and I couldn’t pee. As mum came down the aisle I was squeaking with excitement, I just wanted to say hi, hey I’m here, but I had to stay in my place until the signing of the book. All in all a great day, even got to wear dads hat, and appear on the wedding cake!