Sunday 19 February 2012

Dog on TV

Hi all, today I launched my new TV cahnnel, ok it's not on TV it's on You Tube. My channel is used for me to review and Lab' test dog products and accessories on behalf human beings. Hopefully the reviews will help give other people that own dogs tips and advice on products before they buy. Todays review was about head collars that stop dogs from pulling on the lead - check it out -

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Thin Ice No - Ice Cream Yes

What a start to a new year, a letter arrived from the vet asking me to make an appointment for to update my injections - doh. I have been training hard with my Frisbee since the bad weather arrived. I’m such a pro now, I can catch it out of the air and everything. The only thing is I can only catch it if it flies right. If it flies left, it doesn’t exist, I try to find it, I run round and round in circles until I see it land, then fetch it.

It was after such an enjoyable afternoon that I accidentally tried to drown myself. I decided to jump in the river, not realising it was in Flood. Fortunately I had my Frisbee in my mouth which was helping to keep my head out of the water. I swam and swam and swam but made no progress. Each time I tried to put my paws on the bank the mud gave way from beneath me. Fortunately my owner made his way down the steep bank to save me. It was at this point that I noticed a lower part of the river bank behind me and I managed to quickly stop swimming, float backwards, climb out, and engage four wheel drive to get myself up the steep bank. From the top of the bank I shouted down to my owner, “what are you doing down there, it’s dangerous, quickly get back up here you silly man”. It took him a while to climb back up because the bank was slippy and the trees were not very supportive shall we say, so all was well in the end.

Last weekend we went to the park with the Frisbee and the ground was frozen solid, it had been raining for quite a few days before and the ground had large puddles which were now frozen. So you can imagine the scene. The Frisbee flies, he runs, he jumps, he catches, he lands, he skids, he’s upside down, he’s gone through the ice, he’s wet, he’s still sliding on his back, he's out, he’s upright, he’s totally and utterly confused.  What happened?
I don’t know but from then on every time the Frisbee flew I used every tiny muscle in my body to avoid touching that slidy stuff again, The Frisbee even landed on it a few times and to get it I stood with my paws at the edge, and stretched my neck as far as I could to rescue it.

Since then my friend showed me some equipment I can borrow in future. 

The other thing I have discovered since Christmas is ‘Haargen Dugz’ ice cream; it is amazing, especially strawberry cheesecake flavour. It’s like ice cubes but with flavour and loads of sugariness, I’m restricted to a teeny tiny amount on the end of a tea spoon, but that just makes me even more obsessed.