Thursday 22 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Hi everyone, it's Christmas!!! and mum has wrapped my present and placed it under the tree, she's so proud of her self for wrapping it without me noticing. Pft my nose knows everything, and I know it's a bone!, thanks mum can't wait.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Catch Up

Goodness it’s been a long time since I last blogged, and a lot has been going on. For one thing I’m 2 now, although I’ve aged, to mums relief I have not grown, and to everyone’s delight I’m sure, I haven’t matured either, my philosophy is that maturing is for cheese, not for dogs.

So back before my birthday a new kennel arrived in our back garden, it took the big’ns 3  days to construct it, but it’s starting to look like home inside it now, it has a sofa, carpet and some blinds. Pfft if you think I’m sleeping in it, I have a sofa and TV in the house, why would I swap. I think mum and I have come to an agreement that it’s mum’s kennel and she lets me in it sometimes.

I had a brief visit to the grandparents which was very nice, I had a chance to try out my new backpack mum made for me, I carried all my own stuff to Nana and Granda’s  but then on an outing when we got home, I managed to lose the Velcro fastenings in the river... take that silly backpack carrying own stuff thing!".

The next big event was meeting Nico, hmm, undecided on Nico, he seems nice enough but he  nipped my ears which I wasn’t too happy with. Besides puppies are over rated, ask mum, I’m just perfect.

Mum had a birthday and I got a present, not sure it's meant to work like that, but I'm not complaining. the present only lasted a week it’s now in bits and the stuffing is pulled out of the!

That’s it really besides accidentally hurting mums leg when I dropped a huge bit of wood on it, if she hadn’t shouted at me to stop digging on the sofa none of that would have happened, so squarely her fault I think. What’s the phrase, let “digging dogs dig” or some such thing. 

I’m currently seeing a girl – you know, on and off ,nothing serious, her name’s Mia and she’s also a black lab....and before you all go “ahhh” and put your head to one side the way humans do -  No there’s no chance of puppies! Were just good friends.

Looking forward to Christmas