Sunday 31 July 2011


AHHHH! Yup that was mums face when she woke this morning and decided I had a small colony of refugees living in my fur. However on closer inspection, they had a bit of a population boom, and there was actually enough to fill a small continent. I can’t say I had noticed them except for the occasional itch behind the ear.
So I was quickly escorted outdoors, brushed and sprayed with flea killing stinky stuff which is not very nice, all of the house and contents were sprayed with de-flea-ing fumigating stuff too.

I’m now getting the silent treatment, I’m not allowed on the couch, In fact I’m not really allowed in the living room at all and every where I go mum follows me with a can of stinky spray stuff. Even my basket has been sprayed, nowhere is safe from stinky flea spray stuff.

Tonight was the final straw, mum decided that my fleas have evolved to be immune to flea spray so she bought a flea killer pill for me to take.,The pill  kills fleas in 24 hours. I don’t know what she intends to do with the pill, but I don’t intend on eating it. Earlier tonight there was a kerfuffle with the pill box, and then mum got the pork out of the fridge and gave me a bit. Apparently I have eaten the pill, yea right, I think she’s loosing it a bit, all I got was pork.

Anyway due to the lack of human affection I have taken to cuddling in with my ball at bed time, as I’m  not allowed upstairs either – stupid scratchy flea things pfft, their 24 hours are numbered!