Wednesday 22 June 2011

Anything is better than a poke in the eye with a big stick

There is a saying around these parts, that anything has to be better than a poke in the eye with a big stick, well today, I tested that theory. I was minding my own business chasing my ball at the secret garden, when, unprovoked and from nowhere, a large stick monster jumped up out of the ground and attacked me, by poking me in the eye. unbelievable!

So as I sat around this afternoon hoping for my watery swollen eye to heal, I saw a member of the household cleaning his teeth, and I jumped up to see what he was eating. Mum thought this was a great opportunity to introduce me to my new toothbrush. You heard correctly, (sigh) a toothbrush for dogs, worse, for me! Mum orders all kinds of things like that from a magazine I call 'mad-mans monthly' also known as the Internet.

So there I was thinking things couldn't get any worse, when she put on 'doggy toothpaste' yuk! I have never tasted anything so disgusting. I could see this was disappointing to mum, she was excited about the new toothbrush, so I took pitty on her and led her through to the kitchen, then eagerly pointed out a jar of peanut butter on the second shelf. (he he he). Yes we got on a lot better with peanut butter on my toothbrush. I'm not sure where the cleaning potential comes in, but mum mumbled something about conditioning, and slowly getting me used to it or something like that. All I know is I was fed peanut butter from a bristly plastic stick, and that's got to be better than a poke in the eye with a big stick.