Monday 28 February 2011

Sunshine and Lilly

A frosty start this morning but by lunch time the sun was out and shining bright. Due to the good weather I had a surprise visit from Lilly ( the mini sheep). The parents took us to the park for a mega run around all afternoon. The kids had a football and I chased it until I could barely run another step. It was great fun. I had my tennis ball in my mouth and I was trying to pick up the football at the same time. It took me a thousand tries but to every ones surprise I managed it, and boy did they work hard to catch me, once I got it.

Yesterday was also a nice day, and a little bit eventful. I went to agility class as usual but there was a fire in the field behind ours, just as I arrived, so we got to watch the firemen put out the fire. I growled at them mostly, but mum enjoyed the view. Once the smoke had cleared, we got down to business. Things have stepped up a few gears since I last posted about agility, I now do courses, which means I do lots of obstacles together in a row. I'm really good, top of my class, which is not hard since there is only three of us left.

It came to my turn to do the dog walk, that's the long thin plank you have to walk, when I say thin, I mean thin, like less than 12 inches across, when I get to the end of the ramp I am meant to stop and wait until I am told to move on...but I'm just so excited to do the next bit I keep forgetting. The other dogs get lifted back on if they don't stop, but I'm too heavy, so they just send me back over it. To every ones surprise half way back the other way I managed (somehow) to do a ballerina pirouette on the thin board , 360 degrees and go back the way I came. Astonishing! for a dog who has one paw wider than the board, let alone 4. All I can say is I obviously have superior natural balance, that's what my tail is for.

You may remember towards the beginning of the winter mum taught me to open doors, well I can now close doors too (video coming soon , I'm sure) I'm so good I can even close cupboard doors..pfft piece of cake. I would do it for a piece of cake actually, if anyone is listening :)