Saturday 15 January 2011

Long time no squeek

Did you miss me? I’m not surprised I haven’t blogged since before Christmas. Quite a lot has happened since then. I got some great presents for Christmas not least a 4ft raw hide bone which was given to me by my grandparents.  Whist I was visiting them I met my Great Aunties and Great Nana. That was an experience. Let me tell you about great nana’s eye. Great nana, the legend has it, is said to possess a special look that she gives naughty children, that turns them to stone in an instant. I was like, yea right, she was a softie when I met her, but I was good as gold just in case, I didn’t want to chance it, no more walkies for a stone dog.

After Christmas I hit the January sales and bought myself a new backpack ready for camping and hiking in the better weather, I would have a picture of me sporting it, but the weather has been miserable so I haven’t really been out in it.

Due to the adverse weather conditions mum decided in her wisdom that it would be a great idea if I learned to use the treadmill (running machine) so I have been on that a couple of times, nothing very strenuous as yet, I have found that if I kid mum on that I need to be introduced to things slowly due to my delicate constitution that I have to work less during each training session. For example, during the first training session I was rewarded for just touching the treadmill with my nose, then in the second session I was rewarded for just being in the same room whilst the treadmill was running (I might be afraid of the noise you see...yea right.... free hot dog slices and cheese more like...mum's such a mug).

My newest talent is fetching mum’s slippers, for months now I have been able to fetch one slipper, but then she would say ‘where is it’ I would be like, ‘it’s on your foot you silly woman’ then yesterday the penny dropped, she wants the other one that looks just like that one, so I fetched it, but she had to chase me around for it, whilst wearing only one slipper – such a YouTube moment, where was my camera.

So in essence that’s it really, I had great holidays and now the rain is making me miserable, still nothing can be worse than the day I came back from a run-around in the park at nanas and I was so muddy I was refused entry into the house, so they hosed me down outside using the freezing cold garden hose! The indignity! I have a warm shower when I get in like any civilised person, I don’t get hosed down! To make up for it they chucked a bucket of warm water over me at the end. Charming!
Anyway I was soon in the house and dried with a towel and all was forgiven, for a bit of biscuit.