Monday 13 December 2010

Who is this Santa guy?

I woke this morning to find a video message in my inbox from Santa. Who is Santa? He seems like a nice guy, but wow he knows a lot of stuff about me - it's kind of scary. What is exciting though is that he seems to know what I want for christamas and becuase I am a good boy , he says he will deliver it to my house, and for free - now thats what I call service. Me and this santa guy I think are going to become great friends.

Sunday 12 December 2010

No Snow- No show

So, the snow has finally cleared, all except the big spoil heaps dotted along the pavements and driveways, where folks have relentlessly dug their way to freedom over the past two weeks. So mum and I set off to agility classes as usual only to find to our disappointment when we arrived it was closed. We had no notification, well according to mum there was no email, I don’t get involved in such things – email is much too complex for me. 

It is quite a long way to get to agility, it’s about 45 minutes in the car, so we didn’t want to just turn around and come home. Mum let me out of the car in the car park just to stretch my legs. However I knew where I was and where I wha meant to be going  and so I trotted merrily up to the gate and made an attempt to dig under the gate to gain entry to the field. I could see that most of the equipment was still set up from the last time we were there three weeks ago. Whilst I was attempting to dig a hole under the gate, mum noticed that is was only tied shut with a rope, so we looked at each other for a moment and looked away into the field, then back at one another and thought ‘ what’s the harm?’ there’s no one here, the equipment is set up, we’re not going to damage anything – so we went in , and what a time we were having, just the two of us running around and playing on the equipment, we were in our element. Then uh oh two cars pulled up, we sooo thought we were busted, but can you believe it, it was two more canine friends to join the free for all party. It was like a lock in for dogs , for those that may not know, a lock in is when you get locked in a pub/bar after closing time, usually when you get let out again you are more merry that when you were locked in ) .

So overall a disappointment that we were so badly informed, but a great time was had by all who turned up, I must say mum did well as a trainer for the day – nice one mum you and I make a great breaking and entering team.