Saturday 16 January 2010


Nintendo have introduced a new game to their range, its been hailed as a highly intensive fitness game to rival the wii fit. No board required but you will need a range of specialist walking equipment.

Nintendo introduces......Wii Dog

Growing Spurt

So I woke this morning to find that yet again I have grown, so we set off to the pet shop for a collar fitting and a new basket.

It seems in terms of a collar I am between sizes, I have had to settle for a 'medium' which to put it mildy is a little on the large size.

On my adventure out I met two other puppies and had a great time charging around the pet shop with them, but I haven't quite understood the concept of ' you can look but you cant chew or leave the store with it' but im sure it will make sense to me one day.

Me in my new collar

Let it Snow

You may have noticed the snow, which you may be suprised to hear that I haven't really noticed it. It has been so long now since the first snow fell that I can't quite remember what's underneath it.

Below are some pics from my window of the snow and me in the snow :)

New Year

Hello again, I havent posted in a while, iv been very busy over the festive holidays. Lots of growing, lots of training and exercise. Since my last blog, I can now walk a good hours walk on my lead, Im starting to figure out that cars are kinda dangerous,and Iv discovered I don't like sheep. I have made lots of new friends with many people visiting over the holdays.

I recieved lots of lovely presents over christmas, I would like to thank everyone that donated a toy to my enterainment fund.

Anyway below is a mixture of my more cutey pics from the last few weeks