Monday 30 November 2009

Accidental Leakage in the Night

Now from the title you may have the wrong impression, after successfully requesting to be out at 5:15am I came back to bed with a rubber chew toy. However after settling back in my basket to go to sleep instead of chewing the toy I started to rip the neck out of my hot water bottle, which had been provided for my extra comfort. Soon after ripping a hole in the water bottle it was brought to my attention that jumping on the bottle, produced a very entertaining fountain of water which I proceed to chase and try to eat.
Unfortunately this excitement resulted in me having a very early morning due to wet dog, wet blanket and wet bed.

Morning :)

Who did that?

Thursday 26 November 2009


Well, after a long wait I finally was allowed to go through the 'portal' to the other dimension or 'the front door' I was so excited!!! However I was soon bundled into the back of a car and taken to a far off place called the Vets.

An all round very unimpressive outing as I ended up being prodded, poked, weighed and injected. ....... most unexpected.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Stairs and toothbrushes

So what have I learnt today, well I have mastered the stairs, I am the stair master now :) I can take any stair, anywhere, bring on the stairs.
What else,

Oh yes, I made off with a rubber washing up glove, this provided much amusement but the big yans didn't seem to think so, started shouting something about being no good only having one.

and finally had a close encounter with an old electric toothbrush, wow that was scary, made my entire whiskers tingle and sent jitters through my whole body.

After all this learning and playing, there's nothing quite so nice as a comfy basket.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Grozny's U-Tub Moment

Give the dog a phone, iv been talking into this for an hour and no-ones answered back - I give up

One plastic cup - hours of fun :)

Monday 16 November 2009

Is there anything he won't chew

Woke this morning, to find that Grozny had slept nearly all night through, then after checking the clock it was in fact 4am
He has taken to extensive experimentation in the chewing of many diverse materials from shoes, spiderwebs, leaves and small plastic toys. Every time he leaves the living room he can't help but stop by his food bowl, he has yet to discover the magic of what makes it full sometimes :)
His new found knowledge of today is that chewing wires is not OK, and that the radiator pipe is in fact HOT and should not be attempted. He has mastered the back door stairs and despite being brought up in an outdoor kennel, is in fact mortally afraid of bird song. After all of this excitement it was time for a nap with the 'doctor'

Sunday 15 November 2009

Grozny Puppy Pics

Grozny puppy pictures from his first day


Grozny is 6 weeks old and the son of two working gun dogs, as of the 14th November 2009 Grozny is a memebr of the household.

Mum Dad